
Showing posts from March, 2021

Math CSETs are the antithesis of good mathematics

I think many math teachers and prospective math teachers cringe at the thought of the required three math CSETs now required to earn a single subject math credential in California.  They are arduous for sure.  The concept seems reasonable - make sure that our math instructors are completely proficient in the subject they teach.  The implementation, however, leaves a lot to be desired.  Let's break that down: The obvious - Pearson makes money every time you fail and have to retake it.  That's just a fact of life there.  Their goal then might not be to make the test realistic to what you need to know.  Enough said. More deeply though, we now know that good mathematics is not about speed and memorization.  You can choose your favorite researcher to get the news on this, but a common reference is Jo Boaler's work.  We now understand that developing excellent math thinking involves verbal/communication skills, creative thinking, slow and deep thin...