A Few of My Favorite Things Big Question: How can I arrange and archive all the great ideas I hear (podcasts), read (articles, books, blogs) and watch (YouTube), along with my thoughts and insights I personally have regarding them, for me to remember? So many times I feel a "Wow, that was awesome," feeling about a particularly good topic ... and then life intervenes and those thoughts are gone. I considered a paper journal, organizing them in OneNote, or other methods. A blog I've resisted for about six months, because very truly I've tried before and failed to consistently blog. My blogs in the past have always been for me to go back to and reflect on, though I'm not against others reading if they get anything out of it! It was that and rereading a blog I started when my oldest was a toddler that finally got me committed to blogging. That old blog wasn't consistent, but the memories documented there I cherish, and there were many, many I didn't ...